Colorado Energy Profile
The Colorado Energy Profile (CEP) provides a comprehensive assessment of sustainable energy resources in Colorado. All data is current through July of 2009. Sponsored by the Governor’s Energy Office and developed by the Center for Energy and Environmental Security, CEP delivers quality data and objective analysis regarding the current and future role of energy in Colorado.
International Sustainable Energy Assessment (ISEA)
The International Sustainable Energy Assessment contains in-force energy treaties from all 192 countries in the world dealing with some 45 energy-related subject areas current to 2005. It arose out of the recognition that the challenges in moving to a more sustainable global energy regime cannot be solved by any one nation and must entail international engagement and cooperation. International agreements have the ability to profoundly impact renewable energy and energy efficiency activities. These instruments play a critical role by supporting markets, facilitating technology transfer and capacity building, and reducing financial barriers
Climate Action Database
The Presidential Climate Action Policy Database (PCAD), a policy database in support of the Presidential Climate Action Project (PCAP) compiled by the Center for Energy and Environmental Security (CEES).